Project Overview

We acknowledge the significant contribution sport and recreation brings to the community. The planning and design of such facilities needs to be carefully considered to ensure that the needs of the community are addressed now and into the future.

The draft Sport and Recreation Strategic Plan will provide a road map for planning and developing sport and recreation facilities to cater for the region's current and future population.

Key components of this project include:

  • An up-to-date inventory of our sport and recreation facilities
  • Demographic indicators and recreational trends
  • Review of all background documents, including our Recreation and Open Space Plan (2008)
  • Consultation with stakeholders and the wider community
  • Identifying the best way to meet the needs of the region's growing population
  • Determining current and future needs, demands, issues and opportunities
  • Identifying the key community infrastructure that will be required to meet the anticipated growth
  • Outline a strategic approach to Council's role and function in its provision, future investment and support for sport and recreation.

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Sam Eriksson

Strategic Projects Coordinator

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