Local Strategic Planning Statement

Council's Local Stratgic Planning Statement includes

At the ordinary meeting held Tuesday 17 December 2019, Council approved the draft Tamworth Regional Blueprint 100 (Parts One and Two) be put on Public Exhibition for Community feedback from Monday 2 March 2020.

We are seeking public comment before the strategy is submitted to Council for adoption.

Feedback - Public Exhibition - Blueprint 100 Part Two - SF10046

Please note that all feedback must be received by Thursday 9 April 2020. You can complete this online form now or mail a written response to the General Manager, Tamworth Regional Council, Po Box 555, Tamworth 2340.
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Part 2

This section of Blueprint is called the ‘Local Strategic Planning Statement’ (LSPS).

It is a legal plan that is required to be completed by July 2020 and is the first step in the process of reviewing of our Local Environmental Plan (LEP).

This plan provides more detail on the key actions outlined in part 1 of Blueprint especially in relation to the use of land within the Region.

Key Actions include:

Housing - establish new residential release areas, facilitate shop top housing and apartments in the Tamworth CBD, promote more lifestyle lots near the towns and villages)

Business ,Industry and Employment (create new health and education precincts, activate the enterprise areas)

Transport (extend the pedestrian/cycleway networks to connect our housing, employment and high amenity areas plus plan for the southern bypass at Tamworth)