
A Water Sharing Plan establishes the rules for sharing water between the environment and water users, as well as between competing water users.

The first and current Water Sharing Plan for the Peel Valley was adopted in 2010 and was created using data from earlier years which included inflow and rainfall statistics from the worst drought on record at that time. This Plan has guided water availability and allocation decisions in the Peel Valley over the last 10 years and in recent years these decisions have led to Tamworth, Moonbi and Kootingal residents and businesses having to spend a significant amount of time on water restrictions.

The current Plan is due to be replaced with a new 10 year plan this year. The new draft Plan underwent public consultation in 2019 and during this consultation period Council raised a number of concerns in regards to the draft Plan. These concerns were also raised with the NSW Government a number of times and in a number of different ways including letters and representation at public meetings.

Despite these concerns being raised the NSW Government is still proposing that a new plan, relatively unchanged from the old one, is endorsed and implemented for a further 10 years.

The NSW Minister for Water, Property and Housing will be submitting the Plan to the Murray Darling Basin Authority by 30 June 2020.

What changes are needed to the Peel Valley Water Sharing Plan?

The draft Water Sharing Plan uses pre-2010 data to make Available Water Determinations. This means that inflows from the drought of record are not included.

Council proposes the plan is amended to include all data up to and including 30 June 2020.

In the draft Plan 100% of Council's allocation is given in year 1 and only 70% in year 2.

Council proposes the plan is amended to give 100% allocation in both year 1 and year 2.

In the draft Plan there is a requirement for 3ML of water to be released daily from Chaffey Dam for environmental purposes regardless of other conditions such as flows in the river.

Council proposes that this requirement is removed and replaced with an alternative that takes into consideration the desired environmental outcomes and other issues.

The draft Plan does not include great detail about how Available Water Determinations are made which is of concern.

Council proposes that the Plan should be amended to provide more insight into how the Available Water Determinations are made including reference to how losses are calculated and include.

How you can help...

Sign the #changetheplan2340 petition

You can sign the #changetheplan2340 petition at the following locations:

  • Ray Walsh House, 437 Peel Street, Tamworth

From Monday 1 June you will also be able to sign the petition at:

  • Tamworth City Library, 466 Peel Street, Tamworth
  • South Tamworth Library, 66 Roberts Street, Tamworth
  • Kootingal Library, Denman Avenue, Kootingal

Signees are encouraged to bring their own pen to sign the petition.

If you are part of community group or business that would like to help us gather more signatures for this petition please contact us today to receive a template.

As per the guidelines set out by the NSW Government, any group can request their local Member present a petition with over 500 signatures to Parliament. Every petition lodged is forwarded to the appropriate Minister. Petitions with over 500 signatures will be announced by the Clerk and the appropriate Minister must provide a response to the Clerk within 35 calendar days of the petition being received. Petitions with over 10,000 signatures are announced by the Speaker and will be scheduled for discussion in the House.

Write to our local member

As our Local Member, The Hon. Kevin Anderson MP, is responsible for receiving requests for assistance and information from local people and try solve these problems or refer them to responsible Minister.

Council has written many letters to the NSW Government in regards to the Peel Water Sharing Plan. Below is a template based off these letters that we encourage all residents and business owners who wish to write to our Local Member to use.

You can post these letters to:

The Hon. Kevin Anderson MP
PO Box 1740
Tamworth NSW 2340

Alternatively you can email your letter to:

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Bruce Logan

Director - Water & Waste

Mr. Logan has worked for Tamworth Regional Council for many years and has a full understanding on how the Water Sharing Plan impacts the security and reliabilty of our town water supplies.

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