The Tamworth Regional Gallery Strategic Plan 2020/2021 to 2023/2024 (the Plan) is to be utilised by Council to govern a highly professional and well-managed process for the operations and management of the Tamworth Regional Gallery over the next four years.


The Tamworth Regional Gallery Strategic Plan outlines a framework for the support and management of the Tamworth Regional Gallery.

The plan was developed via consultation with key stakeholders between June 2019 and May 2020, and is supported by prior research and consultation contained in existing collection or community documentation including; Collection Significance Statements, the 100 year anniversary Gallery research, forward planning sessions with stakeholders, other consultation undertaken by Tamworth Regional Council staff and various other Council planning documents.

For over 100 years, Tamworth Regional Gallery has provided access to the arts in a regional centre. The Gallery continues the philosophy of its founder John Salvana to provide ‘access to the arts in the country’ to foster, promote and enhance understanding and enjoyment of the visual arts through its collections, temporary exhibitions and public programs.

Tamworth Regional Gallery is a cultural and community service managed by Tamworth Regional Council which offers a distinctive connection to place and a curatorial agenda that creates meaningful art experiences for all. The Tamworth Regional Gallery collection exists for its audiences – to comprehend the past, to navigate the present, and as a potent avenue for imagining the future. Placing art, access and audiences at the very heart of who we are guides the Gallery’s artistic and public programs. Tamworth Regional Gallery contributes positively to cultural cohesion, social wellbeing, creativity, engaged citizenship, and the economic life in Tamworth and the surrounding region.

The following document is being exhibited from Monday 29 June to Monday, 20 July 2020

Feedback - Public Exhibition - Tamworth Regional Gallery Draft Strategic Plan

Please note that all feedback must be received by the advertised time and date. You can complete this online form now or mail a written response to the General Manager, Tamworth Regional Council, Po Box 555, Tamworth 2340.
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What feedback or suggestions would you like to make regarding the document on exhibition?

If your feedback is more than a few lines, you can upload a test, Microsoft Word or PDF document.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.