Public open space plays a vital role in sustaining the social and environmental qualities of local communities. It promotes shared experiences, social interaction, active and passive recreation, community pride and supports the overall health and wellbeing of the community.

We currently manage approximately 3,000 hectares of open space across our region.


This guide is designed to steer the embellishment and level of service of all open space across Council. The objectives of the project are to:

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There are six different classification levels of open space;

A Regional Park is a large park with diverse and significant infrastruture that services multiple districts and the broader regional population.

Approx. Area = >4 Ha

Catchment = Regional population

Distribution = 3-4 per LGA

A District Park is a large park with diverse infrastructure that services multiple neighbourhoods or one whole suburb.

Approx. Area = 1 to 4 Ha

Catchment = Servicing residents within 3km of the park

Distribution = 1 per suburb

A Neighbourhood Park is a medium sized park with basic infrastructure that services multiple residential blocks.

Approx. Area = 0.5 to 1 Ha

Catchment = Servicing residents within 1km of the park

Distribution = 1-3 parks per suburb

A Local Park is a small park with limited infrastructure that services the needs of the immediate resident population.

Approx. Area = 0.25 to 0.5 Ha

Catchment = Servicing residents within 500m of the park

Distribution = 1 every 5-6 residential blocks

A Significant Landscaped Area is a high profile garden with significant landscaping and prestigious design.

Approx. Area = Nominal

Catchment = N/A

Distribution = N/A

Unallocated / Undeveloped Open Space vary in size with limited to no current public service or infrastructure.

Chart of park herarchy


Survey closed 27 October 2020

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